Of all the weeks I was not looking forward to, it was this one. This is the week where all I felt I was doing was training. Whether that was running, stretching or simply walking down a flight of stairs like I had shat my pants.
This was the big mileage week. Mostly all trails. Changeable weather and being unable to wash and dry my kit quick enough. Damn I was tired come sunday night.
The week started out of the back of the 35km trail run I did last Sunday (that's almost a full marathon on trail & hills just to give you a bit of context). One day to recover then 3 days of back to back sessions resulting in 7km/7km/7km sessions. I don't track the non cardio sessions but I also had core work, ankle work and stretching work daily this week. Friday was a day off cardio and that was followed by a 25km Saturday and 25km Sunday run.
Sunday was miserable.
I managed to achieve what I set out to - a 106km running week and a lengthy 4 hour hill trail on very tired early morning, post half-marathon legs. I feel very good about that, but my energy, my mood, and my Achilles tendon (who I've decided, in my semi-delusional sunday morning state, named 'Dave' considering the amount of importance Dave is having in my world) were not in great spirits.
I put on a brave face for the family visitors, as it also coincided with a very busy birthday weekend for my youngest and I, through the weekend. But safe to say i was feeling a little dead inside come Sunday evening.
That said, a few ice packs later and a couple of early nights, I am now in my Tapering phase. Cutting the miles back and doing my best to both heal and yet not let the distance I've put in these legs unravel. Less than 3 weeks to go!
So here is how the week looked:
Sunday (not on this tracker) 35km
Monday - Rehab
Tuesday - 1hr Run Trail + Rehab
Wednesday - 40 min Gym/cross trainer + rehab + 7km treadmill Run (not tracked)
Thursday - 1hr Run Trail + Rehab
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 25km hilly trail
Sunday - 25km hilly trail
Back to back on the weekend felt shitty but were 'grit runs' of a different but neccessary kind. Going out on stiff legs and low energy is something i will encounter. It's guaranteed. This helps me prepare mentally for that moment where you just think everything is shit, and you question why the hell you chose to do this to yourself.
Fat loss progress
After the moving needle. The needle stopped once again. I've had a few too many birthday cheats the last few days so i know most is water weight I've gained but today the needle settled back down again. I'm resigned to accepting my weight around this level for now, but will return to clean eating for the next fortnight just to ensure i don't slip and add more negative weight.
Starting Weight: 112kg
Wk 18 Weigh-in: 97.6Kg
Weight Lost = 14.4kg in 121 days
Remaining weight to lose = 7.6Kg to target
Time left before the 100km - 2 weeks
Right now I'm just feeling that I've done everything within reason to get to where I need to be. I've had to balance food intake with how much I'm training, and with injury as well. I know I'll finish this challenge. I just want to finish it inside my 24hr stretch target I've set myself. We will find out soon enough.
Thanks for reading